Many of the show's sketches follow a similar comedic form, specifically taking a comedic premise, situation, or turn of phrase, and repeating it in a more extreme fashion, thereby 'upping the ante' of comedic absurdity as the sketch unfolds As an example, in popular sketch 'Consequences', a guest speaker is brought to a school assembly to warn students about the consequences of their youthful misadventures. The speaker starts by telling a story of pattern of youthful misbehaviors and minor substance-use, such as smoking cigarettes and 'hanging out on the street late at night' leading to misdemeanors and petty crime, through to 'real crimes' which resulted in 'being shot out of a catapult into the mouth of a dragon', and later being 'sucked into a wormhole, consequences!'. Additionally, Key and Peele's sketches often poke fun at aspects of race relations in the modern-day US, as well African American culture writ-large, in particular distinctive names associated with current Black American culture. One of Key and Peele's most popular sketches is the 'East vs.
#Why am i gay in the future tosh.o skit series.